Some of the lessons I have learned over the years, roughly in the order I learned them.
- Learn from every experience.
- Life doesn’t work like the movies.
- Don’t trust anyone unless they deserve it.
- Unless you are 100% right about something, be careful about accusing someone that they are wrong about it.
- On a first date:
- Always pay (if you’re a guy).
- Have enough cash to cover the bill.
- Don’t use coupons.
- When in doubt, overdress.
- If you like her, and she hasn’t given you any red lights, go for the kiss.
- Always wear nice underwear. You never know.
- If you have a big decision to make, and you don’t know whether or not to do something, ask yourself this: Would you regret not doing it? Live life with no regrets.
- Long distance relationships suck.
- Don’t buy big, expensive furniture if you’re going to be moving soon.
- Amtrak trains leave on time.
- Sometimes, you should bite the bullet and go for it, even if you don’t really have to.
- Perception is more important than reality.
- Never take the people who love you for granted.
- When you meet new people, talk about your dreams. You never know when you’re going to bump into someone who can help you out.
- People generally don’t give a crap about anything.
- Don’t count on anyone for anything, unless they have already shown you that they are reliable.
- When you make a birthday wish, wish for something that is out of your control. Don’t wish for something you can control. You can just DO those things.
- As you get older, you gradually lose friends to life-changing events. The only friends you keep are the ones who are in the same life situation as you.
- All people are weird. You just need to figure out what kind of weirdness you can tolerate.
- Carry stuff in your left hand so you can shake with your right.
- Sometimes, people will criticize you no matter what you do or how well you do it. Accept that you don’t have to make everyone happy all the time.
- When things feel hopeless, all you can do is try your best to make good decisions and have faith that things will work out.
- Don’t let someone else determine your worth.
- Good relationships come from knowing who you really are, knowing who your partner really is, and knowing how to be with them in a healthy and connected way.
- Make time for the people you care about. You never know when they’ll be gone.